Dearest Readers,
Let's just cut to the chase because honestly who has the time to read this.
As promised yesterday, the game day yielded plenty of snakery. The rules were simple. Candidates would come to Stober and be paired up with another candidate. One candidate would be given 5 points and they could either choose to keep those five points or pass it to the person they were paired with and the points would double to 10. This would repeat (pass or keep) until the points reached 10,240 in which case both candidates received 2,000 points.
We paired up people who we thought would be interesting pairs, Manoj and Shruti (they have beef), Aditi and Thomas (obvious reasons), etc. Sadly, there pairings didn't yeild the results that we wanted. Manoj kept the 5 points in the beginning, not allowing Shruit to gain any more than she already had. Aditi and Thomas went all the way up to 10,240 and each got 2,000 points. Do not fret, for there were plenty of snakes in this game. Nikash, Justine, Megan, Abi A, Diya and Andy all snaked. The absolute ruthlessness of these individuals is sure to ensure their success, or their demise.
More information has arisen in regards to the finding of the Trump Cards. Here is a first hand recount from Don Han, " After an eventful Link Crew lunch meeting, Don Mohidekar and I began walking towards the cafeteria. Candidates Alexander Chang, Shaunak Bhandarkar, and Roopak Phatak began tailing them, suspicious that the ticket was in the proximity. Upon noticing, the two of us joined the three candidates and observed them as they began to search around the area. Candidate Alex Chang, a baseball player for Lynbrook, was sure that the ticket was not hidden in the baseball dugouts, and thus began looking around the track and underneath the away bleachers. After the three candidates took a couple minutes to sweep the bleachers, the ground, and the storage containers behind the bleachers, Shaunak and Roopak gave up on the quest and began walking away. Alex, however, was not so quick to give up on the hunt and stayed for a little bit longer, walking towards the path that goes around the baseball courts known as the circuit run. And when he turned back, he saw a square of gold stapled to the trunk of one of the trees that scattered the area. Exclaiming with surprise, he hurries over to discover that he had just found the final golden ticket."
Make sure to tune in tomorrow for a video (sorry, I know it's been a while) and some wonderful stories from our special events going on.
Happy Heisting,
The Scribe and Don Han