Hello Dearest Friends,
I apologize for the lack of posts, I was working on my campaign for POTUS since everybody and their mother has decided to run. Still waiting on Biden and Kanye though.
It is now time for everyone's favorite segment (and by everyone I mean my mother who is the only person who reads this) : Story Time With The Scribe.
Our first story revolves around a wonderful young man named Arjun Kaushik who recently became an adult. Congrats Arjun, have fun with adulthood. Oh and you too Ashwin. Arjun, being the genius he is, decided to have a birthday dinner on a day of the immunity and invite all of his closest friends, many of whom were still in the game. Honestly, how many times do I have to tell you guys that you can't trust anyone. I thought the older you grow, the smarter you get. The Dons ever so graciously awarded safe zones for all restaurants after taking into consideration the nature of the immunity. This seemed to have lulled our dear Arjun into a false sense of security as the other Migos (Ian and Hansen) swooped in. Arjun got yahh'd on and lost 800 points. Happy birthday bud!
Surprisingly enough, Arjun was not the only one blinded by the trust of friendship as our very own Don Shah decided to agree to a truce and leave his tennis balls in the car. The Migos sniped him and reaped the rewards. Jesus Heist these guys are ruthless.
As a senior, I've been getting a lot of questions about SSS. People say, "Mr.The Scribe, is SSS really a myth?" or "Do you really have nothing to do or is it the same as past semesters." Maybe a recount of our game day will answer that. 60+ seniors tip-toed their way onto Stober field this Friday lunch for a very large game of charades and I have to say, if that doesn't scream "I have nothing to do". I don't know what does.
The best part of this game was watching the people who were complete garbage at this game. Yuriko, I know you tried your best but I don't know if you tried your best. Our good friend Yuriko could not do an impression of (or did not know) these people: Will Smith, Ronald Weasly, Arnold Schwarzenegger, R2D2, Drake, or FDR. Way to go bud. I think the thing that really summed up the whole day was when Tania Godbole got a call at the end of lunch and dejectedly had to tell the person that she was calling that they were playing charades for the senior game. The disappointment in her voice really exemplified what everyone was feeling.
The culling has been announced by The Reaper (Don Mohidekar) and if you are under 6730 points, you better get cracking on these daily challenges. You are all two weeks away from a free prom ticket so nice work everyone.
Make sure to come back tomorrow when I post the best clips from the Trump Card videos. Wooooooo!
Happy Heisting,
Yours Truly,
Lots of Love,
The Scribe