Hello Dearest Readers,
I apologize for my lack of posting I'm sure all of you felt as though a part of your life was missing.
It's story time, where I recount (to the best of my deceivingly lacking memory) the best story of immunity day.
Our story takes place on tutorial last Friday. I was sitting in Mr.Bale's room (what a legend that man is) thinking about how much I missed homeroom and closed tutorial. Denver Yu walks into class, like the stud that he is, wearing his immunity. Little did Denver know, he was doing the immunity wrong. For those of you who are unaware of what the immunity was, Candidates had to dress up as a lamp (dark clothing, no skin showing, a wire around
your torso and a lampshade around your head.) Anyway, Denver walks into Mr.Bale's room wearing a very well nice looking pair of pants that were a nice light gray in color. Denver didn't realize this until he began getting asked by other people to step outside with him. I wonder why. Denver immediately calls his savior, Alvin Tsui. Denver pleads, "I need you, I need your pants." Alvin rushes to class and delivers to Denver the one piece of clothing that would keep him in this game. He knew he wasn't safe outside of the classroom so with help of Mr.Bale (honestly what a guy) and a couple friendly Heisters (didn't think they existed), a makeshift changing room was made in the classroom so that Denver could be safe. On the right you can find a picture of that makeshift room. Only a few moments after changing into his black pants did Denver realize he had short socks on but honestly I don't want this whole story to be about Denver not finding his clothes so we're gonna move on.
The daily challenges this weekend were quite entertaining to watch and we were surprised by the quality of submission because honestly, who would have thought SSS would be creative and put effort into things. Friday night's challenge was to create a puppet show and the candidates did not disappoint. Anav Chaudhry sent in an acapella song and Mohana Venkatapuram sent in Betsy's (her puppet) rendition of the national anthem. Everyone please vote for them in the "best singer" superlative. I hope you guys make it big.
The next challenge tasked the Candidates with making a model of a famous structure from somewhere in the world using nothing but toothpicks, popsicle sticks and tape glue or marshmallows to hold it together.. You guys really stepped up for the most part except for a few people. Tania, your pile of marshmallows was really quite exquisite and looked nothing like the building you were trying to recreate. A for effort tho. Indali and William, laying out toothpicks on a flat surface is not a structure. The pictures of some of the winning structures will be placed below.
I'm getting tired of writing and I still have to start on my research project for lit that's due tomorrow (we love Brave New World), so I'm just gonna touch on the next few challenges. Candidates had to create a new soup recipe and make a tutorial on how to make it and the last challenge was to submit a video of you shooting (the dance move) for 30 seconds. Everyone did great. Insert funny submission here. Insert sarcastic compliment here. Repeat. Enjoy the video.
Happy Heisting,
The Scribe