Dearest Readers,
The Gamemaker dropped an early one on the candidates this morning. The challenge that was given was to juggle for thirty seconds and it's safe to say that very few of the candidates who submitted chose juggling in sixth grade P.E. Zayhaan Batlivala taped a fidget spinner, an inflatable globe to some streamers and suspended them in the air while throwing a ball up and down. Does that sound like juggling Zayhaan? Rohan Goel, you're a legend for juggling your inhalers. You took our breath away. Mohana Venkatapuram had her three scrunchies in the air for about two seconds before they all fell. Way to go Mohana! Anav, honey, picking up skateboard wheels off the ground and throwing them back down doesn't seem like juggling to me. To the very few people who actually juggled I would like to tell you that the Dons are very impressed. If your career in whatever STEM field you're going into doesn't work out, you have the circus as a fallback.
All of you airpod users who don't speak broke must have loved this next challenge since we saw wayyyy too many submissions with people wearing them. I wonder what y'all were listening to... The genius mathematical minds of Lynbrook's Class of 2019 were put to the test as they were tasked to recite as many digits of pi as they could. Digits of pi. Not letters Indali. We thought our lowest digit count was going to be Amy Nishijima with a stunning high score of 3 digits but then came Hansen Lillemark. The man said "3" and dipped. Loving the effort. Andy, Megan, Doris, Kelly, Ashley and Aina, y'all thought you did something by saying 22.0000.../7 879 times. 22/7 is equal to 3.142857... and pi is equal to 3.1415926... Nice job tying Amy with 3 digits. Our winner of the day was Nikita Rangwala with 924 digits. We fact checked you until two minutes into the video and then gave up. Props to you for finding the best loophole.
The last challenge of the day was our tribute to Don Shapiro or as we Dons more affectionately call him, "thag worms". Candidates had to dab for as many times as they could within 30 seconds while counting out loud. Aditi Raja has the most number of dabs, with 232 (it was less than that but we'll let it slide) dabs in 30 seconds. According to Don Han, who unlike me can do basic division, that comes out to almost 8 dabs a second. I would like everyone to know that she probably practices this in her free time. There is no way someone is that good at dabbing without practice. There is also no good reason why someone would be that good at dabbing. I guess that's what people are doing with their SSS free time. Most of you guys counted faster than you dabbed. Michelle, I know you said you got 246 but you counted way too fast bud. My mother is concerned because I'm watching slow motion videos of my classmates dabbing. Please preserve my dignity and send in the proper number for future challenges. (this goes for the majority of you who counted wrong).
I'd also like you all to know this was the most painful video to put together. I hate you Don Lui for this challenge.
After yesterday's eventful challenges and game day, today seemed like kind of a slow day. But don't worry, we're just now nearing the end of our first week. Tomorrow and the 5 weeks that will follow it will be as stressful and eventful as they can be.
Stay Cool Mule,
The Scribe