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The Scribe

Oh We're Halfway There

Dearest Readers,

It's been a long three weeks (almost) but we hope you've had fun doing the dumb stuff that you would normally never do. Here's a little recap of the past two days.

Yesterday, the daily challenge was to wear clothing (1 top and 1 bottom) that were apparel from another school in order to blend in during a heist situation. What we hoped would happen a long time ago and finally happened yesterday was the emergence of a wide scale black market. Both Manoj Soundararajan and Aditi Raja rented their Monta Vista and Homestead apparel, respectively. Money and immunity pictures were exchanged for apparel to wear to gain 150-300 Nix. Play smarter, not harder my friends.

Today's lunchtime daily challenge was to find somebody who was wearing airpods and taking a picture with them. It seems as though a lot of seniors speak broke because as soon as the bell rang, seniors ran out of their classes and began to ask everyone in a five mile radius if they had airpods. Seniors were seen asking freshmen if they had airpods. What have we come to. The most desperate of them all was Denver Yu who was seen stepping into the middle of the hallway and yelling, "AIRPODS, DO ANY OF YOU HAVE AIRPODS PLEASE!" He repeated this numerous times as he ran circles around the planter boxes. This game is bringing out the worst in everyone. (Check out the picture below, Denver found his savior)

Please enjoy the video of the class of 2019 doing the Mannequin Challenge because apparently it's 2016 again.

Check back in tomorrow for Immunity Day Story Time (copyright pending) as well as some fun stories from game day.

Happy Culling,

The Scribe

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